Why spend hundreds of dollars going to a spa when you can have a perfect spa night right at home$%: Every time you need a rejuvenating, relaxing moment to yourself, slip into a tub and then into some luxurious pajamas. Women deserve a guilt-free time-out from every day life. Here are some tips to have a perfect spa experience at home in the comfort of your own bathroom:
- Schedule Your Special Time - During the day, women are many things to many people: mothers, daughters, wives, employees, bosses, counselors, confidantes. Carve out a half hour from your daily responsibilities and make that time your own. Tell your friends, spouse and children that you 'have plans' that night.
- Get the Goodies -Purchase some simple, inexpensive props during your next trip to the store such as scented candles, bubble bath, scented lotions and some glittery nail polish. Buy a new music CD. Choose some scents and colors you've never tried before. Sometimes a new shade of nail polish is all it takes to feel like a new woman. If you really feel like splurging, buy a glamorous new robe and slipper set or some fancy, stylish pajamas.
- NO Multi-tasking! - This time is just for you - an uninterrupted slice of solitude you can daydream about your hopes and dreams. This means: no answering the phone, no checking email, no tucking laundry into the dryer, no tidying up the bathroom. Get all those tasks done beforehand so you can concentrate only on you.
- Fill the Tub - Fill the tub extra high and generously scoop in bubble bath. Who doesn't feel like a princess immersed in a tub brimming over with bubbles$%:
- Light the Candles - Dim the bathroom lights. Light those scented candles. By now the entire bathroom should smell sugary sweet.
- Relax - Wash your hair, loofah your back, put your feet up and close your eyes. Indulge in the knowledge that it's okay to take a moment time out for yourself.
- Wrap Yourself Up - Coat yourself in scented lotion and wrap up in a luxurious set of robe and slippers. Bring out that new glittery nail polish and give yourself a manicure and pedicure.
- Pajama Time - Pajamas are built for maximum comfort and today's womens' pajamas come in so many unique and fun varieties that every woman can find pajamas that match her personality and mood. Feel fun and funky tonight$%: Don a pair of cartoon pajamas. Feel sexy$%: Try a classic nightgown or lingerie. Looking for pure comfort$%: Don a funky tank top and boxers.
Women are many things to many people...but we are individuals, too. Take a moment for yourself and rejuvenate.
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