Primrose oil is extracted from an attractive herb which is a native of North America. This perennial herb grows in the mild climate of North America and Europe and parts of Asia. However, it is primarily grown in United States and Canada. Primrose is also used as a food force for all its part are edible including leaves, fruit and roots. The seeds of evening primrose are now used to produce oil, namely the evening primrose oil.

Evening primrose oil has a great use in cosmetic and medicines. The importance of primrose oil arises from the fact that it has significant amount of essential fatty acids or EFAs. Essential fatty acids are not produced by human body which make them all the more necessary for its direct consumption through diet or though supplementation. Essential fatty acids in primrose oil help in regulating a large number of body functions like insulin utilization, heart function and mood regulation. Evening primrose oil also contains omega 6 essential fatty acids in addition to gamma-linolenic acid.

Primrose oil is basically used in herbal healing nowadays. Evening primrose oil is now known for its herbal healing powers and once in the body it is known to exert anti inflammatory and other healing actions. The highly beneficial gamma-linolenic acid or GLA converts in the body to prostaglandins. These prostaglandins regulate various body functions.

Creative examples:

Evening primrose oil works to relieve the symptoms of PMS or pre menstrual syndrome. The GLA in evening primrose oil can help lesson menstrual cramps and pre menstrual breast tenderness. Along with that it keeps in check endometriosis associated inflammation.

Evening primrose oil is also known to help in rheumatoid arthritis. Usage of primrose oil help in lessening joins pain in joints and swelling. This oil is also associated with protection against effects of ageing. Since GPA in evening primrose oils is associated with a number of processes in human body it helps in combating changes that come over with time.

Usually no health risks are associated with evening primrose oil if taken in prescribed doses. The dosage is usually around 1000-2000 mg per day. This is the amount that gives 270-540 mg GPA per day. Consult your doctor before using primrose oil. Evening primrose oil is contraindicated in cases where a person is taking aspirin, people under treatment for epilepsy.

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The topical use of primrose oil is used in treatment of acne, eczema, and various other skin conditions. When used locally, it also has moisturizing effects.

Evening primrose edible and medicinal history goes a long way. Use evening primrose oil for it multiple benefits, it might be worth it!

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